Blacksmithing Projects

by Blandford, Percy W.
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Blacksmithing is one of the oldest crafts. Ever since man discovered how to produce iron he has worked it hot into useful and decorative things. The techniques of the craft have changed little over thousands of years and a modern blacksmith, whether professional or amateur, carries on the thadition in ways that a blacksmith of earlier times would recognize.

What to make might sometimes be a puzzle. This is an idea book, not instruction on blacksmithing techniques. The book is complete in itself, offering ideas that are complete in themselves. The projects described range from those that can be made with few tools and improvised equiptment to others that will require all the skill and equiptment of an experienced smith.


Format: Soft cover  Dimentions: 8 1/4" x 11"   Pages: 125   Illustrations: 150

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