Blacksmith, The

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The Artisan within the Early Community

The blacksmith was a man of many talents and took his place as an important member of the early farm community. Virtually every article for the home or farm that could not be formed of wood was made by him. His shop served as a natural gathering place for the men of his village and as a center for the exchange of information on crops, gossip and national news.

Henry and George Landis of Landis Valley Pennsylvania, were brothers of exceptional curiosity. As small, rural children, they were curious about the way people lived and worked during the founding days of this nation. Before their formal schooling was accomplished, they had already begun to collect American antiques that were to become the nucleus of the Landis Valley Museum. They were often seen with their horse-drawn wagon coming home from country sales loaded with "another pile of junk."

It is to them that this booklet is dedicated.

Format: Softcover   Dimentions: 8 1/2" x 11"   Pages: 64   Illustrations: 111

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