Smithing with the Handheld Pneumatic Hammer

by Chase, E, A.
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SMITHING with the Handheld Pneumatic Hammer by E.A.Chase is a must have for all smiths - blacksmiths, metalsmiths, whitesmiths, coppersmiths, tinsmiths - to help create small scale hand projects or large sculptural and architectural commissions. E.A. Chase is among the early contemporary American blacksmiths to use mixed metals as well as wood, stone and plastics in his sculptural and architectural commissions. This inovation produced dramatic affects with the contrasting uses of copper, bronze, brass and stainless steel with iron.

The smaller handheld pneumatic hammers are used on 'cold working days' for forming everything from delicate floral details to large-scale objects in non-ferrous sheet metals. The heavier and more powerful handheld hammers are used almost entirely for hot work auch as punching, drifting, cutting and upsetting where the stationary power hammer is inappropriate or where a small hand hammer would be a less efficient choice.

Format: Hard Cover  Dimentions: 9" x 12"  Pages: 147  Illustrations:175

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