Samuel Yellin, Metalworker

by Andrews, Jack
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 Samuel Yellin, Metalworker

is a photographic record of this master artist blacksmith representing the culmination of 19th-century wrought iron design. At his workshop in Philadelphia (1909-1940) Yellin created wrought iron for major clients throughout the USA including private residences, corporations, churches, and universities. This book is the olny attempt to record carefully the evolution of this artistic giant.

Andrews, who is himself a blacksmith, has collected excellent photographs of Yellin's major as well as less ambitious works. The reader is also treated to numerous views of the workshops with works in progress. A record of Yellin's works in the form of workshop job cards will help other researchers in location existing samples of Yellin's works. Because much of this work is in public places and is not being cared for, there is a real danger that this country will lose these unique manifestations of a craftsman's love affair with his challenging medium. 

Format: Hardcover    Dimentions: 8 1/2" x 11"    Pages: 144    Illustrations: 171

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