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Practical Blacksmithing 2
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Practical Blacksmithing Part One: Vol. I & II
Knowledge is never lost. It may be misplaced for a time and then rediscovered. It is good, however, to keep sources of knowledge at hand so that one doesn't have to start from zero to rediscover the knowledge. This book constitutes one of the seminal sources of blacksmithing knowledge. Keep it close by as a reference and guide. A valuable, basic resource for the modern blacksmith and a perfect guide and reference.
Two great classics! Tools and equipment, shop plans, smithing techniques and discussions of iron and steel. Covers welding, brazing, soldering, forging and tempering. SET ON SALE FOR $38
Format: Hardcover. Dimensions: 8 1/2" x 11 1/2" Pages: 175 Illustrations:184