Heritage In Iron, A

by Routson, Rafael
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Blacksmiths have been an essential part of the development of global civilization for thousands of years. Initially forging rudimentary tools and weapons, their work transitioned to more sophisticated tools, agricultural implements, and instruments of war. The Industrial Revolution reduced the need for the blacksmiths' work and hence slowed the development of their craft. The renaissance of the last 30 years was led by individuals such as Francis Whitaker whose dedication to the craft inspired many to learn the art and techniques of blacksmithing. Whitaker and a few of his students forged the beautiful, functional ironwork for two ranches in southwest Colorado in this book. A Heritage in Iron, earned, in 2004, the PubWest Publishers Association of the West Winner's Award and 10 pages in the Architectural Digest. Featured throughout are hand-forged fixtures, fireplaces, tools, and includes 200 color and historical photos. An Independent Publisher IP Award Finalist. Index.

Format: Hardcover.   Dimensions: 12" x 10.75"   Pages: 215   Illustrations: 200

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