Art of Casting in Iron, The
The Art of Casting in Iron
by Simpson Bolland
The Art of Casting in Iron was first published in 1893. It has long since made its mark in the field of blacksmithing, offering handymen everything they need to know to make appliances, chains, and statues, and to repair broken castings the old-fashioned way. From founding statues and the art of taking casts to pattern modeling and sectional molding, this practical guideboook provides all of the need-to-know basics and more. With simple, easy to understand instructions and detailed formulas, tables, and illustrations, The Art of Casting Iron guides the reader step-by-step through the iron casting process, making it the perfect companion for novice metal founders and industry professionals.
Format: Soft cover Dimentions: 6" x 9" Pages: 392 Illustrations: 200