Engraving Metals

by Hasluck, Paul N.
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Engraving is the act of art of producing figures and designs on metals and other substances by incision or corrosion. Engraving is a vary ancient art.  Work that is done by incision is distinguished as dry-point. Dry-point is engraved with gravers and similar small tools, which are made to cut be the force of the miscles of the hand; for large work small chisels, struck with a hammer, are employed also. The practice of engraving is comparatively clean and inexpensive, and its elementary principles are easily learned. Engraving Metals includes chapters including everything from the tools and their uses to chasing and etching metals.

Format: Soft Cover  Dimentions: 5 1/2" x 8 1/2"  Pages: 160  Illustrations: 117

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